I'm sure we're all shocked and stunned by the sudden move of shipping Guillaume Latendress for Benoit Pouliot yesterday. Although LaTender certainly looked to be tired in Montreal and need of change (to say the least) looking at the stats, it looks like we didn't really do much better -- a consistently hurt minor leaguer who might one day get good.
But wasn't it Sergei Kostitsyn who demanded the trade? Aren't Sergei's numbers better than both Latendress and Pouliot? Sure he's got attitiude problems, but he's got to be movable...
I think this is how the trade might have gone down:
(conversation between Bob Gainey and Chuck Fletcher)
Gainey: So look, I am shopping around for Seirgei Kostitsyn... he is a good player with a good competitive attitude who can put the puck in the net. He is ready for the big league, but doesn't really fit on our roster right now...
Fletcher: Yeah yeah. He's kinda risky too. Tell you what, I'll give you Benoit Pouliot for Sergei Kostitsyn.
Gainey: HAHA! As if! Sergei's got like a point a game in the AHL, and Pouliot is constantly hurt! Man that's a good one! What else you got?
Fletcher: All I'm willing to part with is Pouliot.
Gainey: That's crazy. Pouliot. Heh. Pouliot is more like a match for Guillaume Latendress! Hahahaha
Fletcher: deal.
Gainey: Hmm? What? Oh... uh... hmmm. Huh. Yeah, Ok. I guess we have a deal...
Fletcher: ok, bye.
Gainey: (scrathicng his head) yeah... no problem Fletcher, good talking to you.
Gainey: (thinking) did I just get rid of Latendress and make room for Sergei on the roster? How good am I?
I think Gainey has got to be liking this trade. He can keep Pouliot in the minors until he develops, he can give Sergei the icetime he wants, and if Sergei does well, it either ups his trade value, or at the very least improves the team.
As for Latendress: I hope you find your hands and feet in Minnisota.
New Beginnings for Rocket Sports
1 year ago
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